Don't know why, in certain moments of my life I would feel extremely tired, even just woken up, I would want to go back to my bed, to sleep and would never wake up anymore...
haha! you would say: "This is called depression". No, don't think so. I should know what depression is, and I'd do my best to avoid it.
I still have too many things to do. I cannot give up. I'm in a very important point of my life, I cannot afford such a luxury. Maybe sometimes I'm overwhelmed by what is called responsibility, maybe I'm not ready yet to face such a great challenge, a challenge like LIFE.
Face the world, face the people. I used to think that some kind of people can exist only in the imagination of writers, to make movies or novels more interesting. I was wrong. There's nothing more interesting than everyday life. Well, to be not so pessimistic, one should state that having to do with so many "characters"(because the term "people" is too ordinary, does not match with them), you will never be bored! hehe...
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